GitHub Pages with Jekyll
Want to create a site like this one? Follow these steps:
1. Create a repository using the just-the-docs
This site was created using just-the-docs. I have made a template version of just-the-docs that is easy to create a new repository from. Just visit this repository and select “Use this template.”
2. Update config.yml
This file is where the settings for your Jekyll site are located.
The baseurl
should match your repository’s name and the url
should have your GitHub username as the subdomain. Once each of the following settings match your repository, your GitHub pages site will be available at [https://
title: Site Title
description: Some docs for my class
baseurl: "/<repo-name>" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "https://<username>" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.
# Aux links for the upper right navigation
"Site Title on GitHub":
- "//<username>/<repo-name>"
footer_content: 'Copyright © 2022 <Your Name>. Distributed by an <a href="<username>/<repo-name>/tree/main/LICENSE.txt">MIT license.</a>'
3. Change colors and fonts
Visit _sass/support/_variables.scss
You can use Google Fonts by importing them. Set the $body-font-family
and $mono-font-family
@import url("");
$body-font-family: "Kdam Thmor Pro", sans-serif !default;
$mono-font-family: "Inconsolata", monospace !default;
The main colors to change are these:
$link-color: $blue-000 !default;
$btn-primary-color: $blue-100 !default;
If you want to customize the purple, blue, green, yellow, or red color shades, I recommend using hsl
color values to easily get different luminosities of the same hue. Example:
$yellow-000: hsl(50, 95%, 75%) !default;
$yellow-100: hsl(50, 95%, 66%) !default;
$yellow-200: hsl(50, 95%, 57%) !default;
$yellow-300: hsl(50, 95%, 48%) !default;
4. Add content
is the home page of your site. Visit the docs
folder to add and modify Markdown files. See the included example files for more.
5. Local development
Clone your repository. Ensure you have Ruby installed by running ruby -v
in a terminal (if not, download Ruby here). Then, run jekyll serve
to server your files.