Creating Tiles
To create a Tile that you can draw on the Tilemap, select the “Assets” menu from the top and select Create > 2D > Sprites > Square
The Square will get added to the Assets menu below. Make sure you have the “Project” window selected.
Add Tile to Tile Palette
Click and drag the Square Tile you just made to Tile Palette (see video below).
Once the tile is added to the palette, you can select it from the tile palette and draw on the scene.
Creating and Testing Your Level
Here’s the small level I’ve created. Don’t worry about making a giant level yet, just make something where you can test basic movement.
If everything is working correctly, when you hit “Play”, the Player should fall and land on your Tilemap because of the collider. On the next page, we will add a Script so we can control the player.