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Project Setup and Folders

Now that we are making a slightly larger project than our one-level platformer, we need to enhance the way we approach organizing our assets and writing our code. Create a new 2D Project via Unity Hub and open it in the Unity Editor.

Visual Studio Code Configuration

In our platformer project, we used Visual Studio Code to write our scripts. This time, we will install some VS Code extensions to enable IntelliSense (code completion) and manage our scripts better.

Video Tutorial

Asset Folders

We will want to have a folder structure like this for our project:

Asset Organization

You can create these folders manually or leverage the VS Code tools we just installed:

1. Open the C# Project

Right-click in the Assets window and select Open C# Project. This will open VS Code.

Open Project

2. VS Code + Unity Tools Extension

In VS Code, use Ctrl+Shift+P to open the Command Palette. Type in “unity” and select “Unity Tools: Generate Organizational Folders”. Select the current workspace when prompted. This will generate these folders with your Assets folder: Audio, Materials, Prefabs, Scripts, and Scenes.

Open Project

Open Project

Asset Organization

Organize Assets Yourself

As we go through the project, put Scripts in the Scripts/ folder, Scenes in the Scenes/ folder, etc.